Refinance Calculator
Estimate your future payments in minutes with our student loan refinance calculator
Talking about finances is easy, but let’s look at the numbers. Plug in some real-world information to see estimated savings or payment amounts. Then use that info to make smart decisions that will take you where you want to be.

Student Loan Refinance Calculator
Estimate your monthly payment to find the best student loan refi for you.
{{ refi_fv }} interest rate estimated at {{ refi_currentRates[0] || 0 | roundToTwo }}% to {{ refi_currentRates[1] || 0 | roundToTwo }}% APR
Monthly Payment
to {{ monthlyPayment || 0 | currency }}
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1This calculator is intended for informational purposes only and accuracy is not guaranteed. Actual loan terms will be based on your application and credit report.
The lowest interest rate requires a creditworthy eligible borrower, and automatically withdrawn ("auto debit") payments, a five-year repayment term, and borrowers making immediate principal and interest payments. Not all borrowers will receive the lowest rate.
Your actual savings, if any, may vary based on interest rates, balances, remaining repayment terms and other factors. Refinancing to a longer term may lower your monthly payments, but may also increase the total interest paid over the life of the loan. Refinancing to a shorter term may increase your monthly payments, but may lower the total interest paid over the life of the loan. back